About me

I am an Assistant Professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology where I study computational materials science using high performance computing (molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculation), statistical physics, and machine learning.

I graduated with PhD (Engineering) from the Department of Chemical Science and Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology. For more information, see my CV.

Research interests

I am interested in atomistic-scale transport phenomena of practical materials, especially soft matters (liquid crystals and polymers) and solid electrolytes. To understand transport phenomena atomistically, I engage in theoretical development and molecular dynamics simulation.

  • Molecular simulation
    • Molecular dynamics
    • Quantum chemical calculation
  • Atomistic-scale transport phenomena, Statistical physcis
    • Thermal conductivity
    • Diffusion coefficient, Ionic conductivity
    • (Viscosity, Dielectric constant)
  • Mesophase materials / Soft matters
    • Liquid crystal, Polymer
    • Solid electrolyte, Highly concentrated electrolyte


  • 2024/04/01: I have joined the Tokyo Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Chemical and Life Sciences.
  • 2024/03/22: Opened the personal website!